Kværnø 680 HT with Yamaha 150 HK

Price: NOK 2800 per day / NOK 17 900 per week

  • Perfect for 2-5 people
  • Excellent during all sea conditions and a very stable boat
  • Approximately 35 knots with 2 people on board
  • Fully equipped with two GPS plotter/sonar, VHF, deck spray
  • Fully equipped for safety: EPIRB, AIS-SART, Rescue lifesling, marine distress flares, first aid kit etc.

(Note: The image is of a standard Kværnø 740 HT model. It will be the same type of boat, but we have made several changes to make it more optimal for fishing)

Boating license

Note that you must have a boating license or be born before 1980 to rent boats from us. This must be brought on board the boat along with valid identification.